Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Day!!!

today seems very happy
but mayb is aft basketball practice...
d whole day b4 going basketball
i was on9-ing...
coz my sis work so nobody disturbed me..

den went 4 basketball prac...
suddenly 雷电交加 but not so 恐怖 la
it rained when we were playing basketball...
i felt very syiok..
coz 1st time play basketball in the rain..
but 全身都湿透了 “落汤鸡”

after tat...
i went to dinner with my big family..
again at de same restaurant-'Ocean Green'
but not bad la...
we went there by 4 cars...
2 cars with 6 ppl,n 2 cars with 7 ppl..n 1 in motor..
crazy rite?

de dish i like de most is "kang kung with sambals"
i can finish 3 bowls of rice with this vegetable..
but is last time la
now cant ady la...

three tables...27 ppl

my favourite dish...


left 1 oyster for taking d photo b4 i ate it...^^



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